Retail Banking Studies (Qualitative)
- Study Credit Card Promotions
- Respondents 160 credit card customers and other cardholders
- Location Atlanta, Boston, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Tampa
- Study Remote Banking
- Respondents 79 banking consumers
- Location New York City
- Study New CD Products
- Respondents 62 affluent and mass market consumers
- Location New York City
- Study Cross-selling Group Term Life Insurance
- Respondents 20 bank customers
- Location New York metropolitan area
- Study Switching Small Business Accounts
- Respondents 100 financial executives
- Location Brooklyn
- Study Sales Referral Process
- Respondents 40 bank employees
- Location New York State
- Study Sales Force Integration
- Respondents 15 investment specialists and registered representatives
- Location New York City
- Study On-line Computer Banking
- Respondents 54 bank customers
- Location New York City and Westchester County
- Study Cash Management Accounts
- Respondents 120 cash management account holders and other affluent prospects
- Location New York City
- Study Bank Mergers
- Respondents 50 affluent, mass market, and small business customers of money center banks
- Location New York City
- Study Foreign Currency Accounts
- Respondents 35 private banking clients, affluent consumers, business people, investment advisors, and foreign expatriates
- Location New York City
- Study Selling Annuities/Mutual Funds in
Bank Branches
- Respondents 70 consumers with $35,000+ household incomes
- Location Westchester, Nassau counties
- Study Bank Advertising Effectiveness
- Respondents 30 banking consumers
- Location Queens, Nassau, Suffolk counties
- Study Sales Support for Cross-selling Investments
- Respondents 27 banking consumers
- Location New York State
- Study Cash Management Accounts
- Respondents 20 cash management account holders
- Location Delaware